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L'Oustaou du Luberon
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L'Oustaou du Luberon
L'Oustaou du Luberon
© L'Oustaou du Luberon
L'Oustaou du Luberon
L'Oustaou du Luberon

L'Oustaou du Luberon

Yoga dans le Luberon © Oustaou du Luberon

Amazed by simples things...

Slow life is to focus on calm and refreshing places. It's time to reconnect with nature and to follow our natural rythm of life. We're listening to our body and our needs. We appreciate authentique things and fortuitous meetings instead of having a strict planning. And if we don't have the time "to see everythings", at least we've take the time "to see".

Slow life is a way of life which allow us going back to nature, reconnet us to the earth, live in the moment, eat healthy and local while sharing a moment with our close friends and family. 

L'Oustaou du Luberon
La Tuilière 84530 Villelaure
+33.(0) ❖ oustaouduluberon@gmail.comLegal notice
Immersion en Provence, Créateur de séjours

Cécile REYNIER & Michel VINCENS , N° siret 390 152 056 00037 - La Tuilière 84530 Villelaure
N° TVA FR 5439015205600037 - Organisateur de Séjours agrée Atout France N° IM08415001
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L'Oustaou du Luberon

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A vacation home ~ A cottage ~ A charming cottage ~ A large cottage ~ Cottages rental ~ A village of cottages ~ A resort ~ A vacation rental

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